Please PM me the details. Thanks in advance.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
without specifics being mentioned as to what it is......(to avoid tipping off certain lurkers).. how many people know about the upcoming summer long campaign?
please use this thread to confirm receipt of your campaign invitation.
take care.
Please PM me the details. Thanks in advance.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
they say that as a society, we are all getting fatter and fatter.
so i ask, how active are you?
if you took a snap shot of the last five days, can you find moments of exercise or doing something besides sitting in front of the computer, lifting a remote or fork, or perhaps walking to get the mail?
I go to the gym twice a week (two hour workout weight resistance training each time). I ride my bike there (5 miles round trip). I walk to work/school twice a week (4 miles round trip). This has curbed my desire for junk food and I feel better at all levels (mentally, emotionally and physically). It has become addicting since the endorphins make me feel great. I lost 20 lbs since August last year and can easily fit into my ol' 32 inch waist Levi's 501 jeans.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
hi i was just looking for some advice.
i have been studying with the jw's for over a year now, and attended 2 memorials and the district/assembly conventions.
at first, and up until very recently i truly believed what i was learning was the truth.
James_Woods said "The job has nothing really to do with this"
He is right.
However, I just thought that using this angle would be a nice easy "out" for you as you will be considered an "unprogressive Bible study". It will make it obvious to your study conductor or elder body in your congregation that you have your own agenda and there isn't anything that they can do about it.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
hi i was just looking for some advice.
i have been studying with the jw's for over a year now, and attended 2 memorials and the district/assembly conventions.
at first, and up until very recently i truly believed what i was learning was the truth.
Living on base and using the provided services (commissary, PX, banks) are allowed by the Watchtower Society since you are a military dependant. This applies to all baptized sisters/children who are active publishers and are married/progeny to active duty military personnel. The only exemption is if the job is private baby sitting or private house cleaning. This is considered a private endeavor and isn't within the demographics of working for any entity that exists on base solely for the purpose of supporting the military.
You are studying with a Japanese sister in an English congregation, right?
Active sisters who are military wives may encourage you to get a job on base, but they do not know the reprecussions. However, do this. Ask any elder in your congregation about this and they will site the neutrality issue and will apply restrictions on anyone who isn't baptized (you) and will give an ultimatum to those who already are baptized. The time frame is six months for any baptized Jehovah's Witness to quit working on base if they wish to remain a Jehovah's Witness.
I know. I'm madly familiar with English congregations in Japan.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
hi i was just looking for some advice.
i have been studying with the jw's for over a year now, and attended 2 memorials and the district/assembly conventions.
at first, and up until very recently i truly believed what i was learning was the truth.
Since you aren't baptized, if you work on a military base, you will not be eligible to be an unbaptized publisher nor qualified to enroll on the Theocratic Ministry School. It has to do with the neutrality issue.
You mentioned about sisters who are already publishers who are married to active duty military. If they were to work on base, then they would be excommunicated from the congregation because it means that they would have disassociated themselves by breaking the neutrality issue.
If you elect to work on base, then it will create a buffer for you in terms of congregational committments. You will be prevented to have any active role in the Kingdom Hall. Thus, your study conductor will then have an "unprogressive" Bible study. Great for you if you want to just slip away.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
hi i was just looking for some advice.
i have been studying with the jw's for over a year now, and attended 2 memorials and the district/assembly conventions.
at first, and up until very recently i truly believed what i was learning was the truth.
This weekend (April 23rd and 24th) is the English Circuit Assembly at Ebina Assembly hall at the Branch for all the English congregations in Japan. From the sound of your posts, you are probably NOT going to attend. Does your conductor know about this already? If so, what was her reaction? Most likely she will be there and would have pressured encouraged you to be there also.
Also, the part about you working full-time. Will that be on base or off base. You cannot be an unbaptized publisher if you work on a military base. Maybe that will get you off the hook. Does your conductor know about your intent in this regard?
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
Notice paragraph 12.
Ha! Another generation.
Flip-flop generations!
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
the poster named punkofnice made this statement in another thread:.
but now the washtowel can make the cry of: 'look!
This will definitely be used!
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
has anyone noticed that the wts has so many videos/dvds about the organization, some about the bible and others about youths or the ministry work?
they even have a video/dvd about noah and david.. but i noticed that they haven't produced any about the one whom they claim as their king, jesus christ.
alligator wisdom (aka brother not exerting vigorously).
<--------- BTW, what happened to my avatar?
has anyone noticed that the wts has so many videos/dvds about the organization, some about the bible and others about youths or the ministry work?
they even have a video/dvd about noah and david.. but i noticed that they haven't produced any about the one whom they claim as their king, jesus christ.
alligator wisdom (aka brother not exerting vigorously).
Has anyone noticed that the WTS has so many videos/DVDs about the Organization, some about the Bible and others about youths or the ministry work? They even have a video/DVD about Noah and David.
But I noticed that they haven't produced ANY about the one whom they claim as their king, Jesus Christ. Why?
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)